
Slit displays the dark-gray color as black

idanarye opened this issue · 3 comments

\e[1;30m is the color code for showing light gray:

less can display it propely

echo -e "FOO \e[1;30m BAR \e[0m BAZ" | less -R


But slit displays it the same as the black background:

echo -e "FOO \e[1;30m BAR \e[0m BAZ" | slit


It actually works for me... what os/term? I'll try in vm on default settings

I'm using Konsole on Arch Linux. And it works when I change the color scheme - but the fact that it shows different result than less means there is a problem(it produces a different terminal code?).

BTW - it works fine without PTY: image

This is because 1;30m is the parameter code for bold black text.

cat, less and many other programs will interpret bold+normal color as the high-intensity/light color as well as bold, though much of the time bold text is either not available or is not enabled in the terminal emulator.

opened #50 to resolve this difference