
Can't find model.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Why can't it find the model? Just like this.
I'm using a Windows10 PC with AMD Ryzen 9 4900H and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060, and Whisper Desktop works fine using the same model.

I'm not sure I do understand what you said in the README about ffmpeg. Is this issue related to ffmpeg? But adding ffmpeg to the system environment variables doesn't work either.

I really hope you can help me, because I urgently need to batch process my videos. Thanks!


That wouldn't make much sense if the file is really there, are you sure it's E:\Downloads?

Can you open cmd and do "dir E:\Downloads"

ffmpeg.exe just needs to be in a folder that's in you PATH variable, in cmd type "path" to see the list.

You can copy ffmpeg.exe to C:\Windows for example.

The results are as follows:

I am a Chinese, my English is not very good, so I want to make sure that the correct way to use this software is to directly download and unzip Whisperer.zip, then double-click whisperer.exe to use it?Do I need any additional operations?

i think maybe the dash "-" in the file name is off, it seems raised, try renaming it with no dash.

the only other operation is getting ffmpeg which you did.

Still not working

It worked. I don't know why it still couldn't find the model when I just removed the "-", but when I renamed the file to "1.bin", it worked.

Anyway, thanks very much for your help, it helps me a lot, and thank you for bringing us such a good project😘

it would be better if you named it medium.bin, it looks at that to determine reqd GPU memory.