
Not compatible in srcset attribute

polarathene opened this issue · 10 comments

In the gatsby-image project, we've discovered in a PR being reviewed that SVG data URIs from this library are not compatible with the srcset attribute.

Only base64 or url-encoded work. The only notable difference from the example given, was literal spaces vs %20. In the srcset attribute, you provide a comma delimited list of URL/URIs and an optional space followed by a descriptor(eg 1x, 100w), if none provided they'll use a default.

With the output from mini-svg-data-uri a console error is raised, and the srcset is ignored.

It might be worth mentioning on your README that mini-svg-data-uri will not work for this use-case? Or at least requires another pass to convert the spaces to %20, or this library provides some config/option to handle that?(it looks like you intentionally convert to literal spaces?)

tigt commented

Oh, interesting. Thank you for bringing this up.

I can see the spaces being important since part of the srcset algorithm involves whitespace separators.

My first inclination is to export a toSrcSet option on the main object, but do you have an opinion on that?

I like it, the intent is clear for handling the srcset attribute instead of regular src.

This is the current workaround(encodeSpaces) for where it's being used with Gatsby:

 const svgToMiniDataURI = require(`mini-svg-data-uri`)
 const potrace = require(`potrace`)
 const trace = promisify(potrace.trace)

 const defaultArgs = {
   color: `lightgray`,
   optTolerance: 0.4,
   turdSize: 100,
   turnPolicy: potrace.Potrace.TURNPOLICY_MAJORITY,

 const optionsSVG = _.defaults(args, defaultArgs)

 // `srcset` attribute rejects URIs with literal spaces
 const encodeSpaces = (str) => str.replace(/ /gi, `%20`)
 return trace(tmpFilePath, optionsSVG) 

So we'd just use this instead?:

 const svgToMiniDataURI = require(`mini-svg-data-uri`).toSrcSet
tigt commented

Yep, that’s exactly what I had in mind.

If you’d like this change to happen ASAP I’d recommend a PR, but if it’s not that urgent I’ll probably get to it this weekend.

(…is that default arg really called turdSize?)

We're in no rush. I'm flat out with other projects atm, so I won't have the time to contribute here sorry. This is a really great project though, I wasn't aware of what this library was doing until just recently!

(…is that default arg really called turdSize?)


-t, --turdsize n - suppress speckles of up to this size (default 2)

Leads to some fun issue names like determine optimal turd size for potrace.

tigt commented

I did the simplest implementation that could possibly work in #11 — would you mind seeing if that branch works for your code, please?

@tigt Hey sorry about the delay. Just got around to testing that out and it works great! 😃

Well, I had to make a slight tweak as it seems the current code is causing problems with your this reference:

The GraphQL query from /storage/projects/gatsby_test/using-gatsby-image/src/pages/traced-svg.js failed.

  this is not a function

  GraphQL request (25:3)
  24: fragment GatsbyImageSharpFixed_tracedSVG on ImageSharpFixed {
  25:   tracedSVG
  26:   width
  ,this is not a function

Where tracedSVGcontains a call to your toSrcset() method. This is from just passing the function to a .then chained to a promise. If you're unfamiliar with this issues, here's some links:


Which afaik in this situation would seem you should use a closure by moving the srcSet method into the main function body and setting it there as a property?(haven't really defined a function before where a function property is added to it that calls itself)

I ended up making this small change, swapping the this for the main functions name instead, it appears to work properly now:

svgToTinyDataUri.toSrcset = function toSrcset(svgString) {
  return svgToTinyDataUri(svgString).replace(/ /g, '%20');
tigt commented

Man, 4 years in JS and I still screw up this. I’ll do what you did.

Hey @tigt , any chance of making that change and merging the PR? :)

tigt commented

Whoops, I completely goofed. I’ll publish a new version tonight.

tigt commented

Should be up on npm as v1.1.3. Thank you for your patience and help!