A arm offsetfinder. It finds offsets, patches, parses Mach-O and even supports IMG4/IMG3
- 6
Kext patching support and FAT patching support
#43 opened by Cryptiiiic - 2
vmem::vmem::memstr throws exception instead of returning 0 while finding boot-args string in ibootpatchfinder64::get_boot_arg_patch.
#22 opened by TheProgramableTurtle - 2
- 0
looking for pinmux address of SWD on ATV4K
#41 opened by fenfenS - 0
Can use it on Apple TV?
#38 opened by flyingbird - 1
Build issue
#32 opened by oliverlinux - 1
Compiling offsetexporter
#33 opened by alfiecg24 - 0
- 2
- 5
Error while making ; error: too few arguments to function call, expected at least 3, have 2
#36 opened by c22dev - 1
Will you update it for m1/2?
#34 opened by xcbjky - 0
[Request] wh1te4ever's kfd branch's fun offsets?
#31 opened by Lrdsnow - 48
Offsets generated, crashes due to offset error
#28 opened by GenericCoding - 0
kernelpatchfinder64_iOS15.hpp:20:17: error: reference to ‘offset_t’ is ambiguous
#27 opened by LuckyHeroes - 0
problem ios 16.0.3 iphone 11 pro
#30 opened by R3n3r0 - 5
- 1
- 1
error: no matching function for call to ‘tihmstar::exception::exception(int&, const char*&, const char*&)'
#25 opened by TheProgramableTurtle - 1
machopatchfinder64.cpp:33:53 error on linux
#23 opened by asdfugil - 0
- 0
Still having similar errors after update
#14 opened by djeverhart - 1
- 1
Compiling Guide missing
#19 opened by 0n1cOn3 - 2
iOS 13.3 is not supported by iBoot64Patch
#18 opened by sitay1 - 0
remove_if is not a member of ‘std’
#16 opened by Merculous - 12
vsegment.cpp errors
#5 opened by hc20k - 3
- 1
Cannot compile due to missing header
#10 opened by GeoSn0w - 3
- 1
when make i receive this error
#12 opened by stemac93 - 11
Make error
#13 opened by djeverhart - 1
vmem.cpp compile errors
#8 opened by timonline