

vrahnos3 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, thanks for the great work,
after running the commad

bash ./bash/run-demo.sh

everything seems good but nothing to visualize.
Am I doing something wrong or do I need to do anything else to visualize the avatar?

Bro, you should find the result in outputs/people-snapshot/demo/annimatoin

@Net-Maker Hello, actually in outputs/people-snapshot/demo/annimation/aist_demo there is a set of rendered frames. Is this the result that instant avatar provides?
Also do you know how can I generate something like this gif in ReadMe?
I cant understand the usage of animate.py if only frames are provided as output.

novel_view.py should generate this gif. The outputs contains all pictures you need if you run the run-Neuman-demo without any problem.So I guess you have something wrong with your code.

Hi Panos,

As suggested by Net-Maker I create the gif using imageio.

imageio.mimsave(f"{folder}/../{animation}.gif", imgs, fps=30)

Best, Tianjian