
LoginKit isWebAuth = false, but always trying web auth and fail.

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Hello, I'm flutter developer, I'm using android/ios loginkit via method channel.

It's my auth code.

 let scopes: Set = [
        self.authRequest = TikTokAuthRequest(
            scopes: scopes,
            redirectURI: redirectUri
        self.authRequest?.isWebAuth = false
        self.authRequest?.send { response in
            guard let authResponse = response as? TikTokAuthResponse else {
                    code: "temporarily_unavailable",
                    message: "Empty Response",
                    details: nil
            if authResponse.errorCode == .noError {
                let resultMap: Dictionary<String,String?> = [
                    "authCode": authResponse.authCode,
                    "state": authResponse.state,
                    "grantedPermissions": authResponse.grantedPermissions?.joined(separator: ","),
                    "codeVerifier": self.authRequest?.pkce.codeVerifier
            } else {
                    code: String(authResponse.error ?? "-2"),
                    message: authResponse.errorDescription,
                    details: nil

my info plist





authRequest?.isWebAuth = false

  1. but, my app trying always web auth when installed tiktok app or uninstalled tiktok app.
  2. and, web auth is fail and cannot go to redirect uri.

my tiktok app status is Live, and correct input redirect uri(it's universal url).
but I saw redirect fail message(formated json) on empty webpage like below:

    "data": {
        "captcha": "",
        "dest_url": "",
        "description": "Somwthing went wrong. Please try again",
        "error_code": 6,
    "message": "error

I failed found that error_code 6 .

what's mean to error_code 6 ?

how can I modify myapp for isWebAuth = false working and redirect fail resolve?

please answer me.

thanks, best regard.

Did you find the solution for this @levinyu-TagBy? I have the same error with SDK 2.3.0

Did you find the solution for this @levinyu-TagBy? I have the same error with SDK 2.3.0

Not yet.

urlOpener.isTikTokInstalled() is (null).


@aurelkpr hey, did you added CFBundleURLSchemes?


                <string>$my tiktok client key</string>


                <string>$my tiktok client key</string>

please try this.

I added tiktok auth domain and queries in CFBundleURLSchemes, it's work.(if tiktok app installed, tiktok app launch.)

and, web auth success.(tiktok app not installed),

@levinyu-TagBy thanks for info. For me worked without <string>www.tiktok.com</string>.

Update. Adding snssdk1233 and snssdk1180 to CFBundleURLSchemes make the urlOpener.isTikTokInstalled() call to return true all times (even if TikTok app is not installed) :(. With them, the SDK (in case when TikTok is not installed) will redirect to the default device browser which is wrong. It should redirect to in-app browser :(. Still search for the solution ....

@levinyu-TagBy Did it was resolved?

Did it was resolved?

Try this.

                <string>$my tiktok client key</string>

if you guys use to this code, sometimes uses a previously created codeVerifier rather than creating a new codeVerifier.

<key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>None</string> <key>CFBundleURLName</key> <string>TikTok</string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>$my tiktok client key</string> <string>www.tiktok.com</string> <string>snssdk1233</string> <string>snssdk1180</string> </array> </dict>