
Add a submenu / index on levels

Closed this issue · 5 comments


It would be interesting to have an index (or sub-menu) at the top of each level to be able to browse directly to the right section.

Thx !


Good idea, I agree with you. Don't hesitate to contribute, contact us if you need help to start the contribution 😉


I also experienced this lack on my side, I could do something @nonomoho if I may ?

Gnuk commented

You can try if you want, maybe you need to contribute on https://github.com/tikui/tikuidoc-tikui if you want @dirago

You can notice that what is difficult is to get all titles by levels dynamically because there is no JavaScript in the theme to get it. But I encourage you to try.

Maybe you need to check h2 ,h3 … ids because all titles generated with markdown have an id, (but you may not references titles without id, for example titles directly set inside the pug file)

Gnuk commented

About the design, please keep the original size of the page when possible, currently we don't have any design theme so we are using Bootstrap but we are waiting a design.

Gnuk commented

The new design is now available so it may be possible to start it, I put an help wanted on it :)