
What we will do since take_region_error in kvpro have been removed ?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Where did you find that take_region_error has been removed?

See master on kvproto, grep return none. this commit 820f463fe509cfe7d2f0ea387f408c1728487834 remove this.

See master on kvproto, grep return none.

The code is generated when building it. The region_error fields still exist. BTW for backward compatibility fields should be hardly removed.

The field is still exist, but the method have been removed . I will dig it why this code work

Just build client-rust and you can see code is generated. It generates methods like get_ take_ has_ for each field.
You might be interested in https://github.com/tikv/protobuf-build

I'm closing it for now. Feel free to open it if you still have questions :).