
build failure in linking

incanus opened this issue · 2 comments

Any ideas here? Current builds are failing with this test: https://github.com/mapbox/tilemill-builder-osx/blob/master/build.sh#L335-340

for i in `find . -name '*.node'`; do
  if [ -n "`otool -L $i | grep version | sed -e 's/^[^\/@]*//' | grep -v ^\/usr/lib | grep -v '@loader_path/libmapnik.dylib'`" ] || [ -n "`otool -L $i | grep local`" ]; then
    echo "Improper linking for $i"
    #exit 1

Results are:

Checking Mapnik module linking & architecture…
Improper linking for ./node_modules/bones/node_modules/jquery/node_modules/htmlparser/libxmljs.node
Improper linking for ./node_modules/bones/node_modules/jquery/node_modules/jsdom/node_modules/contextify/build/Release/contextify.node

Also, why not exit 1?

that exit is commented because those things are not fatal (or important even as far as I can tell). I created #13 to note that I think the test logic is broken, not the linking, but it needs another look.

I think the reason the builds are failing is due to #17 - basically that node-sqlite3 uses node-gyp, and something is breaking with node-gyp.

no longer actionable, new script in use now that does not try to do this type of checking: https://github.com/mapbox/tilemill-builder-osx/blob/master/build2.sh. We should introduce it at some point, but its not critical. closing.