
Support files with extension .react.js

pbomb opened this issue · 1 comments

React 0.12.0 was just released and no longer requires the /** @jsx React.DOM */ pragma at the top of the file. The React components in their example apps in the flux repo (https://github.com/facebook/flux/tree/master/examples/flux-chat/js/components) use .react.js file extensions instead of .jsx ones. However, if I remove the pragma, files with .react.js extension are no longer treated as JSX files since the code looks for one of .jsx or the pragma. Could you allow .react.js files by default to be treated as JSX files? Or, alternately, allow the user to configure the grunt task to specify the file suffix they're using?

A configurable suffix would be a good idea. I think that .react.js files should be treated as JSX files per default since flux uses this suffix. I'll add the .react.js suffix recognition and I'll add the configurable suffix option later on.