
Please add LABEL or ENV to docker image with version number of weConnect-mqtt

conradhagemans opened this issue · 3 comments

I would like to see a label or ENV variable added that holds the version number of the build.
That makes it easier to see which version is in use.

There is current a label called: org.opencontainers.image.version that says 0.40.3 but I am running 0.41.1

hmm, this is strange. I just pulled the image and it says:

org.opencontainers.image.version 0.41.1

You are right. I am using portainer to manage my docker images.
When you post an update I just do recreate with latest image. But then the env variables are not updated.
I now did a full recreate with the stack and now the ENV variables are updated.

Thanks for the quick response. I am really a big fan from your weconnect implementation.
I am now waiting on VW for the 3.0 update. I ask VW Germany when I can expect it. They just say be patient. Last update is more then 6 month old.

Issue can be closed.

I keep the fingers crossed for you!