
Problem refreshing token

Closed this issue · 12 comments

0rsa commented

Since yesterday, I'm not able to refresh token

2023-03-16T17:20:50+0100:CRITICAL:There was a problem when communicating with WeConnect: Status Code from WeConnect while refreshing tokens was: 400

Maybe my account server is down again.
Are you expecting the same issue?

Thank you

I had this one time yesterday, but now everything is fine again. But I heard that the terms and conditions changed again. So maybe this is the problem?

0rsa commented

I logged in to the VW portal and I received some new conditions by email.
I'm still having error 400.
I'm trying to find if there's a place where I should accept them

Just to confirm: you are on the latest version?

0rsa commented

Yes I did the update (stable version) just before to post my issue
Successfully installed weconnect-0.54.2

It is strange that the API behaves differently for different users. Did you try to delete your stored token on the harddrive?

0rsa commented

No, I will have a check on that, thank you

An interesting thing or not, I tried to connect to the VW shop and I'm getting this error:

https://shop.volkswagen-we.com/internalerror The We Connect web shop will be back soon. We are working to improve your customer experience of the web shop. The page will be available again shortly. In the meantime, you can use the in-car shop in your infotainment system.

Maybe there is not link between my issue and that but it is for notice.

0rsa commented

Ok we are going forward, this time I got this:

2023-03-16T17:37:16+0100:CRITICAL:There was a problem when authenticating with WeConnect: You have to login at myvolkswagen.de and accept the terms and conditions

I'm not using the portal .de, I will try to log in on this one

0rsa commented

Not better with the .de portal
When you go to the "Profile" section, do you have "Privacy settings and consents"?
From my side, I have none: You have not currently given any additional consent.

can you log out of your "WeConnect ID" Smartphone app and login again there? Maybe it will ask you for consent?

0rsa commented

That was my idea too, I didn't use the app for a long time
I'm updating it

0rsa commented

ok you are brilliant
I had to log out and log in again to have new terms and accept it.
If you launch the app and you are already connected, the new terms don't display.

Your python library works again, thank you!

Good to hear! I don‘t know why they are changing the terms every week…