
Unknown attributes

legantois opened this issue · 4 comments

Semmes there has been an update with new attributes (my auto is ID.4 - and i use we connect from home assistant)

Unknown attribute targetTime with value 07:00
Unknown attribute repetitionDays with value ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday']
Unknown attribute targetDateTime with value 2023-06-30T23:00:00Z
Unknown attribute nextChargingTimer with value {'id': 0, 'targetSOCreachable': 'invalid'}
Unknown attribute nextChargingTimer with value {'id': 0, 'targetSOCreachable': 'invalid'}
Unknown attribute targetTime with value 07:00
Unknown attribute repetitionDays with value ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday']
Unknown attribute targetDateTime with value 2023-06-30T23:00:00Z

Yes, I'm already on it. Nothing too interesting but still something to implement.
Thanks for reporting.

Any news on this? It's not breaking anything that I can see but causing a lot of logging noise.

Thanks for you awesome work on this library!

Hi @tillsteinbach, did you get a chance to look at this? Like others I also get a lot of logging noise when using https://github.com/mitch-dc/volkswagen_we_connect_id in home assistant so it would be great if you could fix the naming issues with the attributes.

Thanks a lot and thanks for the amazing work on this library, works really great!

I stopped using this integration and i switched to https://github.com/robinostlund/homeassistant-volkswagencarnet
it now supports IDs

All working well since there

May be better to collaborate on one single integration ?