
Cf status?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

How active is CF? Is anyone else using it? Are you still using it?

Contemplating using w/ D10.1 . Do you still have Delphi, or are you all on LZ now?


Sorry, missed your questions.
Here are my answers:

  1. Creole Forth for Delphi/Lazarus isn't very active at all now. I've transferred a version to Excel which I use quite a bit now. I've also created a version for JavaScript.
  2. I've seen some people express interest in it, but am not aware of anybody who's used it seriously beyond myself. If there's any user interest, I could be convinced to resume development.
  3. I only have Delphi on old machines I don't use any more; all of my uses of Creole Forth from about 2010 onward have been with Lazarus. It seems to work well on either platform.
  4. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or need help installing.

I have tried compiling it for D10.1, but ran into functions which I don't know the source of. When I fire up the delphi dev machine again in a week or two, I will give it a try again, and post here. I might as well persist to getting it to compile OK.

If you send me a list of the functions that you're running into problems with, I could help. Or we could do a screenshare on Google or Mikogo. Let me know.