Jobs are one hour off
Closed this issue · 3 comments
stutrek commented
My cron jobs are running one hour too early. Presently we're in daylight savings, which could be the cause.
My sanity checks:
- Time zone is correct in the cron addon
- Time zone is correct on the computer (macOS)
It looks like it's caused by this. 😞 node-cron/tz-offset#11
I no longer know what's happening. My job for 0 */3 * * *
ran at 1.
tim-hellhake commented
First of all, thanks for the report @stutrek.
It looks like node-cron
is dead.
The fix will probably not be merged.
I replaced it with cron
, which seems to use a proper timezone library (moment timezone).
tim-hellhake commented
As soon as the PR is merged you can test it :)
stutrek commented
Thank you! My gateway pulled the update and my plants are getting watered at the right time now.