Error 500 when making a request.
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello there,
I am using this API for learning purposes. The endpoint I am using is the /quotes/id and I am getting an error 500 (Internal server error)
This is an example of the request and the error object it returns:
"name": "error",
"length": 118,
"severity": "FATAL",
"code": "28000",
"file": "miscinit.c",
"line": "716",
"routine": "InitializeSessionUserId"
Thank you for putting this API up for us developers to use and learn. Have a great day! 😊
@mariela-plaza Guys, maybe some of you have the server responce to request "" ?
In this case I can share with you info how you can replace breakingbadapi
That's how it is! I am going through the same situation as @mariela-plaza. I wanted to know when this error will be fixed?
anyway I appreciate this API I'm learning a lot from it.