
Share pricing, structure and pricing valuations

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It appears to me that this document is neglecting to fully address shares' pricing and structure: in other words, what does that 20% correspond to? Because one thing is to evaluate it at, say, 100B and another is 100T. What should the expected evaluation be?

The other thing is, of course, how many shares will be offered to the public; it's all good to say that Amazon will keep 20%, but who gets the remaining 80%? What are the qualified investors? One of the big issues with the split, it seems to me, is that if you then get qualified investors that are somehow chainlinked to Amazon you are still not doing much for its independence.

A bold move could be to get someone like Google and Microsoft involved. You may think this is a mad idea but it's not: this would lay the foundations to have A-Cloud really act more like a sort of foundational infrastructure and would also ease the very same claims about them from an anti-trust probing perspective.

Finally, pricing valuation: it is important to understand what the price being offered would be at least in terms of range and I think this would help drive the more financially-focused discussions both internally and externally.