Can't Upload from a spacific server
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For some reason I am having an issue with uploading files to one specific server. I can connect and download from the server from brackets ftp just can't upload. I can use other ftp programs to upload to the server (filezilla, dreaweaver cs6 64bit).
What I have found is this:
According to the error console when I connect to the server the 2nd line that pops is:
Object {event: "directory_got", files: Array[25], path: "/", connectionID: 2, queuer: Object}
When I download a file I get the following line:
Object {remotePath: "/", localPath: "C:/xampp/htdocs/CMS-WEBL2-DEV/", name: "robots.txt", direction: "download", queue: "a"…}
When I upload a file for this specific server I get this:
[node-error 2:38:20 PM] [eqFTP-ftpDomain]: [r.c] Can't get in directory: /var/www/vhosts/-DEV/ Trying to get in /. The error is: bash: line 0: cd: /var/www/vhosts/-DEV/ No such file or directory
What you will notice is that the paths are changing. /-DEV/ is being added to the connection string on the upload sequence and I have no idea why. Its not anywhere in the connection set up nor is this being added when I upload from any of my other connections to different servers via this extension. The only thing I can think of that may be causing this is the sftp address. It is currently set at Not sure if the dev-webl2 is causing this issue with its dash in the subdomain name or not. Let me know if you need anything else.
I figured out what the problem is. When ever we use a path that looks something like C:/xampp/htdocs/CMS-WEBL2-DEV it fails to upload. As soon as I changed it to C:/xampp/htdocs/DEVWEBL2 it started working. On a side note I have another server config that uses the following local path C:/xampp/htdocs/CMS-WEBL2 and it works fine all around.