
Can't open Kbar programmatically, cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toggle')

saadee opened this issue · 5 comments

saadee commented

Hi, I need to open the Kbar programmatically. on an onClick function

I saw previous Closed issues it was mentioned to use useKbar hook , but it doesn't work like that

here's my code. I am using the kbar version ^0.1.0-beta.39

const { query } = useKBar();

using it like this

        <button onClick={() => query.toggle()}>Toggle</button>

Can somebody guide me if I am doing anything wrong?

here's screenshot of error in console


timc1 commented

Are you using useKbar within a component nested in a KBarProvider?

I've got the same issue and it is nested in a KBarProvider

timc1 commented

@bcutler Can you reproduce this within a codesandbox?

I got the issue worked out by wrapping the KBarProvider around my entire app. Thanks @timc1 — I ♥️ kbar

stale commented

Hey! This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.