
Application not found, despite being in Application folder and name double checked.

xeijin opened this issue · 5 comments

I followed the instructions to the tee, everything went smoothly until I actually ran the script, getting the following growl error when trying to get it to launch applications:

Caprese error
Not all start actions were completed because this happened:
Application "Curio.app" not found.

I've double checked my config.rb, I'm certain the filename is the same. I commented out Campfire and iChat as I don't use them, I'm wondering if I made a mistake there?

Here is my config.rb:


Thanks in advance.

I should also mention that if I remove any applications from the "LaunchApplications" the rest of the script works perfectly (i.e. it quits apps it's supposed to)

What's the path to your Curio app? I think it only checks /Applications for the existence of applications.

the path is /Applications/Curio.app. I don't think this is the issue as previously I had an application in a folder other than /Applications and got a different error (one stating that I should use terminal to run: sudo /opt/caprese/caprese check config).

Done a bit more investigating and this seems to be specific to certain apps. For example, every OmniGroup app I've tested (OmniFocus, OmniGraphSketcher, OmniOutliner Professional, OmniPlan) will not launch. However other Apps like Dictionary or Cyberduck will launch.

Similarly, Evernote also seems to be affected, as is Curio (i.e. both won't launch).

For all of the applications which don't work, if I run caprese from Terminal I get the following error:


Unfortunately I can't figure out where the problem might be.

It might be because those applications don't have registered osascript dictionaries??? Hmm... strange.

There are some generic ways to launch applications... so I will take a look into it sometime.

(wow... 8 months later, open source moves fast... sometimes)