
Documentation request: how to start csgo-practice-mode

Amyantis opened this issue · 6 comments


Thank you for developing those Docker images, it's really helpful.

I am able to run timche/csgo:pug-practice image and to connect the server. I didn't configure anything else than:

docker run \
  -v=csgo:/home/csgo/server \
  --net=host \

From there, I would like to know how to start csgo-practice-mode. I suppose that I have to either enter commands in the server terminal or change some configuration but I didn't find how. I tried to run .setup in a client console, but the command was not found.

Could you add some documentation about how to use csgo-practice-mode running your image?

Thank you!

Thanks for reaching out @Amyantis.

You just need to follow step 3 of the installation guide of csgo-practice-mode: https://github.com/splewis/csgo-practice-mode#installation

The .setup command needs to be executed in the chat.

In order to edit the required files, you can create these files in your custom configs dir and they will be populated at the next container start.

Let me know if I could help you.

@timche i tried the required steps but it seems not to work. Added my custom config volume under /home/user/csgo:/var/csgo with the file addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg and the content:

"sm_practicemap" ""
"sm_prac" ""

But when i type .setup in the chat nothing happens

@Ditscheridou the images have changed. Are you using timche/csgo:pug-practice? If yes, did you restart the container in order to sync the configs?

yeah i did that, the files are shown in the container in /var/csgo, but the commands still dont work on the server itself

Can you please share your container log before the server starts?

@Ditscheridou I've released a new major version: https://github.com/timche/docker-csgo/releases/tag/1.0.0

Please try again and open a new issue if you still have issues. Also check your csgo volume if the files are correct.