
Log solar panel output and plot out the results on a dedicated computer

Primary LanguageR

PV logging on Fedora


This repo was an exercise in using rpm to package multiple services, specifically capturing and plotting solar panel performance. The plotting repo is separately at github.com/timcoote/pvplot. It started out with the intention of running Shiny-Server over IPv6 with proprietary fixes for 32bit computers. Now it works with a standard Shiny Server - although not packaged as a Fedora rpm - and includes some fixes to R that broke the original code (https://bit.ly/30sfAeg).

Basic Workflow

  • spin up vagrant box
  • update versions in Rakefile and packaging/*spec (needs automating)
  • on vagrant box, in directory /vagrant, rake rpm; rake forward (requires target username@name/address of monitoring/plotting computer in the env var monitoring).
  • on linux box sudo rpm -Uvh pv-monitoring<latestversion> aurora<latestversion> (assumes already installed, services - aurora-logging and shiny-server are up and running. The rpm will restart the services, but not kick them off if not started.
  • plots appear on http://monitoring-and-plotting-computer/today/

Moving Parts

Rakefile captures most of the major activities. Not wholly broken down into dependencies, yet. aurora various additional files to run the aurora query tool on a regular basis to capture output from the Aurora One PV inverter packaging files to package up the aurora code and the framework that runs it and the shiny-server plotting code. pvplot checkout of the shiny-server plotting code, with embedded knownledge of where the logged pv data are. This also includes other plotting experiments that are not used.


  • notification of systemd services - partially complete, but see here: https://bit.ly/2R4a0ZY. Non-trivial for remove/install cycle as default enabled packages are defined external to packages.
  • build rpms for aarch64 using the resin.io tools.
  • sort out firewall on target box, eg with `firewall-cmd --add-port=tcp/80