
Json data keeps loading

Opened this issue · 4 comments


I am trying to get your module to work :)

i have the json url: http://xmlopen.rejseplanen.dk/bin/rest.exe/departureBoard?id=731643902&format=json

This i my config.
module: 'MMM-JsonTable',
position: 'bottom_right',
header: 'Bus tider ',
config: {
url: 'https://xmlopen.rejseplanen.dk/bin/rest.exe/departureBoard?id=731643902&format=json'
arrayName: 'Departure',
keepColumns: ["Name"] // Optional

I have made the adding to line 61 in MMM-Json.js [all]

Yes correct.
The first element of your json response is DepartureBoard
That will indeed only work if you force this on line 61

items = this.jsonData.DepartureBoard[this.config.arrayName];

Hope all is working fine now!

I am also trying to get your module to work but it keeps saying that its awaiting json data.
This is the json file:
"zeit": "24h",
"erfasst": 1001,
"faktoriert": 1215
"zeit": "48h",
"erfasst": 0,
"faktoriert": 230
"zeit": "älter",
"erfasst": 36,
"faktoriert": 1212
}, {
"zeit": "24h",
"erfasst": 367,
"faktoriert": 495
"zeit": "48h",
"erfasst": 0,
"faktoriert": 19
"zeit": "älter",
"erfasst": 64,
"faktoriert": 140
and this is the part in the config.js file
module: 'MMM-JsonTable',
position: 'middle_center',
header: 'Liegelager',
url: 'https://infoscreen.greiffmode.local/logistik.json',
arrayName: 'eins',
size: 3

@golli1337 Is there any debug information in the console of your broswer?

@golli1337 Is there any debug information in the console of your broswer?
No there isn't. At least there are no errors concerning MMM-JsonTable. The only available information to me is the output that its awaiting json data.