
Creating a new business using GUI

jeromecc opened this issue · 3 comments

Type Of Issue: Question
Timegrid environment: local install
Browser Name and Version: Firefox 52.0.2
Server Operating System: Debian 9 Stretch

I installed TimeGrid 24 hours ago using code from the master branch and following https://github.com/timegridio/timegrid/blob/master/INSTALLING.md except for the demo sandbox:
I used an alternative version

php artisan db:seed --class=TestingDatabaseSeeder2

derived from TestingDatabaseSeeder that contains only one CreateDemoManagerUser() function and nothing else.

I can create a first business without any problem and everything seems to work fine, but I couldn't find a way to create a 2nd business with this manager user.

I know I could create it with another seeding php file, but how can I create it from the web interface?


In fact it's not a local install, it's an online install: http://timegrid.webmedecin.net

Hi @jeromecc , thanks for pointing out this question.

Given that you are already logged in, look for the rightmost top-nav menu item (with your avatar and username).

  • Click to dropdown.
  • Click My Businesses. You will be sent to a new screen listing your registered businesses.
  • Click SignUp Business. You will be sent to the business registration form.

Hope this helps

Thank you. Please review pull request for documentation: timegridio/docs#3