Add mouseover
tdeimel opened this issue · 4 comments
Great, useful library!!
With a large number of observations, it becomes quite difficult to read the sample labels. A plotly-like mouseover functionality (which afik is not implemented for plotly's own parcoord plots) would be really helpful in that regard. This should, e.g., show the sample name (row name) and perhaps the exact value for the axis closest to the mouse position upon moving the cursor over the respective line. One could also limit this to lines that were selected by the brush selection to make it even less crowded.
An alternative would be to only show the row names/sample labels in the row names axis of the lines that are currently selected by the brush (and hide the all other labels).
Edit: similar to this here:
Hi @tdeimel @timelyportfolio ,
Was there any update on this?
@tdeimel , how did you go about dealing with this on your own?
Hey aliarsalankazmi,
I did not fix it. For my specific application/the way it's being used, a work-around was sufficient: when you use the brush to select a couple of lines in the plot, their values for each variable are displayed in a table below the plot.
I still think a mouse-over feature would be a useful addition.
@tdeimel thank you!
And how did you get the values for the brushed line? Perhaps I could use that too
Hey @aliarsalankazmi,
sorry for the late reply! Hope you figured it out anyway - a quick search would have led you to this for example: