
Sunburst function examples all fail "Error: Argument 1 must have names"

cbest47 opened this issue · 6 comments

This might be an issue with another package somewhere down the line, but even the most simple examples of using the sunburst function have failed for me. Trying to troubleshoot this, but would appreciate any help or guidance.


# read in sample visit-sequences.csv data provided in source
#   https://gist.github.com/kerryrodden/7090426#file-visit-sequences-csv
sequence_data <- read.csv(
  ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE


# this fails with the error specified above

what version of dplyr do you have installed? this error "Error: Argument 1 must have names" seems to be something that dplyr::bind_rows() reports (which is used in the internal function here sunburstR::csv_to_hier()), but I can't replicate what you're seeing.

So the version of dplyr I'm using is 0.8.3 and it looks like it's definitely due for an update. I'll update and see if that solves it. Thank you @cjyetman

Issue resolved when updating dplyr to version 1.0.2

Thanks again for your help @cjyetman!!!

👍🏻 I'm going to reopen though in case @timelyportfolio wants to either add a specific minimum version of dplyr to the package requirements, or tinker around to find a solution that works in further back versions of dplyr as well.

I'm running into the same issue with dplyr version 1.0.3
Any idea how to resolve this is greatly appreciated!