
Saving to PDF and sort order

patidarr opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Thanks for the tool, it's pretty useful for showing cohors in genomics ๐Ÿ‘
I would like to know if it's possible to save the plot directly to PDF or not, it is is, how do I do it?

Another major request I got is, I wanted to sort the items based on a predefined list for the innermost circle, I haven't tried giving a list to sort, but would it work? if not would it be possible to add functionality for such sorting?

Example: I have cancer patients from various types and I am making a sunburst plot to show what types I have, there are some major types and then a lot of "others", I want the sunburst to start at 90 degree, and want the major category "other" to be the last one.
