
unable to submit new holiday request with carried over allowance/ Allowance adjustment

simonbrowning opened this issue · 18 comments

In this scenario the user has 4 days holiday remaining:

0.5 day of leave remaining
2.5 days Allowance carried over
1 day Allowance adjustment

They are trying to submit a request for 4 days but getting the following error message back:
Error: Adding requested Holiday absence would exceed maximum allowed for such type by 3.5

Which implies that the system isn't taking into account the carried over and manual adjustment?

did you manage to sort, am hoping to start using this and am a little worried that I will get stuck like you ha

@tigerbones24 no I haven't managed to sort this yet, I started looking through the codebase to see what was going on but got side tracked. When I get back to it I will update here.

Sounds like the same issue I had here, with a recent update of a fix:

that's great, can someone let me know how I would apply the fix once either of you has tried this :-)

All you need to do to test this, if you have Docker installed:

Building the docker image

Edit: see #453 (comment) for further details.

All you need to do to test this, if you have Docker installed:

Building the docker image

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/thperret/timeoff-management_docker.git
  2. Modify the files according to the fix mentioned
  3. Change working directory: cd timeoff-management_docker
  4. Build image (remember to include the space and dot at the end): docker build -t timeoff-management:latest .
  5. Run the image as a test (without interrupting your already running instance): docker run --restart always --publish 3001:3000 -d --name testtimeoff timeoff-management
  6. Test the web page with :3001 at the end of the URL to open the test-environment

I don't have it installed at all at the min would the above still apply, would you help me installing and editing? I have portainer and docker installed.

Kind Regards

I'll get back to you as soon as I am back at the office with Docker, hopefully within a few days!

I realize that the guide I made won't work, but I will update it when I'm ready to test it.

@enordstrand did you manage to look any further and maybe making me a guide to install with patch on my fresh docker/portcontainer my email is easytiger24uk@gmail.com

Sorry for the delay. Have a look at my most recent post here: #453 (comment)

Please let me know if there are any issues with this.

vpp commented

sorry guys for coming late, but the error Error: Adding requested Holiday absence would exceed maximum allowed for such type by 3.5 suggests that the leave type exhausted its limit.

Very likely the leave type has limit configured beyond which the employee cannot go. Even if employee has available allowance remaining.

I would suggest to either create new leave type in addition to this one, or remove limit from the one.

Hello @vpp , and thanks for the reply,
Yes the issue is that the leave type limit is exceeded, which is why we some times needs to manually adjust the allowance so that one particular employer can get a little extra. So, we have 25 days hollyday limit, but I want Steven to have three extra days. So, we adjust the allowance with 3 on him, so that he can apply for 28 days hollyday.

With the change mentioned above, this works perfectly. But is this outside the design in any way? Are we using allowance adjustment wrong?

@enordstrand I managed to get everything installed, thanks for all your help, I do however have another query, I have just been setting my staff up and doing the allowance for departments, but in the read me on the main page of this project, it says manaully adjust employee allowance to give extra for lieu days extra, but for the life of me I can't seem to adjust it anywhere and am only showing as 1 day allowance haha do you happen to know what am doing wrong :-(

with regards

It seems like there are a logic that gives the number of vacation days based on the percentege of the year the employee has been working. By default your admin account was employed today, and since there is not much left of the year you get 1 day.
Try change your start day to a date in 2019

For what it's worth: manual adjustment per employee is found if you click on the name of an employee, then from this employee's profile, click the last of the three options in the left margin. From here you have something called manual adjustment, which is what this topic is about.

@enordstrand you are very helpful, yes it was under absonaces, I don't suppose there is any way to get the approval request for holidays to be sent via email ?
Merry Christmas

@enordstrand I need to open the settings in ssh to add my smtp, do you know where the config file is located?

No, I haven't touched that option yet.
I will be happy if you let me know if you ever find a solution for it.

No, I haven't touched that option yet.
I will be happy if you let me know if you ever find a solution for it.

Hi mate,

yes managed to get emails sorted :-) thanks for all your hard work, if you wanted to get emails to work this is the easy way to do it as not much info on it.

  1. In the terminal find the containerid that is running for timeoff-management (docker ps -a)
  2. run in the terminal docker exec -ti --user root containerid /bin/sh
  3. run in the terminal [vi config/app.json]
  4. edit all the info highlighted in this screen shot (https://prnt.sc/w9cvx5)
  5. docker stop containerid
  6. docker start continerid

I had to add ignoreTLS flag as our work old email hosting does not support the newer tls yet and i couldnt get it to work with leaving that flag out.

hope this helps

No, I haven't touched that option yet.
I will be happy if you let me know if you ever find a solution for it.

Hi mate,

yes managed to get emails sorted :-) thanks for all your hard work, if you wanted to get emails to work this is the easy way to do it as not much info on it.

  1. In the terminal find the containerid that is running for timeoff-management (docker ps -a)
  2. run in the terminal docker exec -ti --user root containerid /bin/sh
  3. run in the terminal [vi config/app.json]
  4. edit all the info highlighted in this screen shot (https://prnt.sc/w9cvx5)
  5. docker stop containerid
  6. docker start continerid

I had to add ignoreTLS flag as our work old email hosting does not support the newer tls yet and i couldnt get it to work with leaving that flag out.

hope this helps

Thanks alot! I'm looking really forward to test this!

Merry Christmas and happy new year! :)