
Possibility to pre-configure custom URL from installer ?

gillesdubois opened this issue · 13 comments

Hi @timetheoretical,

In the first place, thanks for providing us this tool which is really appreciated.

I would like to know if its possible in a future version to implement pre-configured URL using arguments in the installer.

A common case for most of us i think is :

  • I have an on-premise installed Jitsi instance and want my users to have the outlook extension
  • To have an easier installation, provide or deploy a pre-configured extension with the custom Jitsi URL already set.

Gilles Dubois.

Hi @gillesdubois,

I'm happy you like it!

I think this is a good idea, and from #4, it seems like many might have the same use case as you describe. I'll look into this once I have confirmed that v0.2.1 does not contain the bug described in #1 anymore, and once I have implemented some more persistent settings.

In principle, it should be possible to run the MSI installer silently via cmd. A solution to your use case could then be to supply the custom Jitsi URL as a parameter to the MSI installer in cmd. Is this along the lines you were thinking?

Hi @timetheoretical ,

Yes that what is was thinking, something like :

  • jitsi-outlook.msi /S /URL=my.jitsi.meet.org

If i can be of any help don't hesistate to ask.

Gilles Dubois.

Perfect, we're on the same page then.

Thanks, I might get back to you in a couple of weeks time when I've had a look at this. It would always be useful if you could test the feature once it has been implemented.

Really nice outlook extension, there is great potential there.
I back previous demands for a domain pre-configured at installation. Then, creating a bat script for installation on end users computers would be easy.

Hi both,

The v0.4.0 release aims to address this issue and add the possibility to pass custom setting values to the installer as parameters in cmd. It would be great to have your feedback as to whether it works as expected. 😄

Thanks ! I will test that asap.

Hi, I will also test it as soon as possible a make a feedback.

Hi, first feedback.

Port support in domain -> works fine
Default meeting name -> works fine

A meeting id with a special character will create a non-valid URL for the meeting.

For instance, a default meeting ID = café (coffee in french) will create a truncated URL directing to
address:port/caf (missing the last é). It will actually be present in the link string, but not part of the link itself .
This probably indicate that no special character is allowed until the link becomes a proper HTML link.


Me and my colleagues tested this without any issues, indeed special chars doesn't work but imho its not related to the plugin but more to Jitsi itself who doesn't manage special char properly.

Gilles Dubois.

Hi, I confirm that everything worked fine for me too.
Below is an install.bat script that download and install the plugin with chosen attributes in one click.

@timetheoretical I also noticed that if you install the x64 version, it install by default in C:/Program Files(x86)/Jitsee Meet Outlook, while it would be better to default in C:/Program Files/Jitsee Meet Outlook .

Anyway, this can be temporarily solved via the target variable below.

Feel free to add this script in your repository, if of any use.

::Jitsi access
set ROOMID=default_room
set DOMAIN=domain:port
::next variables, either True or False
set REQNAME=False
set NOAUDIO=False
set NOVIDEO=False
:: Plugin URL and paths
set origin=https://github.com/timetheoretical/jitsi-meet-outlook/releases/download/v0.4.0/JitsiMeetOutlook-v0.4.0-windows-x64.msi
set target=%ProgramFiles%\Jitsi Meet Outlook
:: if x86 version, use target=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Jitsi Meet Outlook
:: if x64 version, use target=%ProgramFiles%\Jitsi Meet Outlook


ECHO Deleting previous version...
IF EXIST %target% (
    ECHO deleting %target%
    RMDIR "%target%" /S /Q
) ELSE ( 
    ECHO No previous installation found.
ECHO Downloading plugin Jitsi-Meet-Outlook...
SET PSScript=%TEMP%\~tmpDlFile.ps1
IF EXIST "%PSScript%" DEL /Q /F "%PSScript%"
ECHO [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls">>"%PSScript%"
ECHO Invoke-WebRequest "%origin%" -OutFile "%TEMP%\jmo.msi">>"%PSScript%"
SET PowerShellDir=C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
CD /D "%PowerShellDir%"
Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '%PSScript%'"
ECHO Download done.
ECHO Plugin installation...
msiexec /i "%TEMP%\jmo.msi" TARGETDIR="%target%" DOMAIN="%DOMAIN%" ROOMID="%roomid%" REQNAME="True" NOAUDIO="False" NOVIDEO="False" /passive
ECHO Done.

I can confirm that it's working perfectly !
Outlook 2019 french.
François-Xavier Guidet.

Thanks to all of you for providing feedback!

With regards to special characters not being allowed, I think @gillesdubois is right in that this "problem" relates to Jitsi itself. I will add a note about this to the installation instructions, however.

Thanks @blinard-BIOINFO for providing that .bat script! I'll find a place to put it, either in the documentation or the installers folder, which may help others with deployment.

I agree that it would be better that the x64 installer automatically targets the Program Files folder. I have a hunch that the VSTO plug-in itself is x86; the different installers may merely be needed to install different registry keys depending on the bitness of the office installation. I'll look into whether it is possible to change the default target directory per installer.

I am closing this issue as the feature request has been fulfilled. If you would like to continue the conversations on default target directory for the installer and the treatment of special characters, please open separate issues.