
Travis job is not started: fix or migrate to Actions?

JeroenVanOort opened this issue · 3 comments

I was working on #15 and I noticed that no Travis job is started. Is this something to be fixed or should a move be made towards Github Actions?

@rincler @samizdam @bottleneko Hello everybody. Guys, tell me about your next plans to support this repository?
Maybe if you need help I can help you update this repository?

Hi! I support this repo.
I've released changes for compatibility of php 8, but I did not pay attention to broken tests, so I've marked last release as YANKED. It seems to need to update phpunit dependency. I will resolve problems in the near future.

@rincler How do you feel about making some changes?:

  1. Code style
  2. Code style check
  3. PHPStan
  4. Change Travis to GitHub action

I can help you with that.