
propagate invalid Bundle source type to status

github-actions opened this issue · 1 comments

return ctrl.Result{Requeue: false}, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse Bundle source type: %s is an unsupported Bundle type", bundle.Spec.Source.Type)


// // TODO: propagate invalid Bundle source type to status


	// switch bundle.Spec.Source.Type {
	// case "image":
	// 	stub
	// case "git":
	// 	stub
	// default:
	// 	// TODO: propagate invalid Bundle source type to status
	// 	return ctrl.Result{Requeue: false}, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse Bundle source type: %s is an unsupported Bundle type", bundle.Spec.Source.Type)
	// }

	pod := &corev1.Pod{}
	if op, err := r.ensureUnpackPod(ctx, bundle, pod); err != nil {
		u.UpdateStatus(updater.SetBundleInfo(nil), updater.EnsureBundleDigest(""))

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