
Negative duration of workout

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
i recorded a cycling workout today and it ended up having a negative duration which in turn messed up a lot of the other stats, like calories per minute.

Start and end time are shown correctly though.

To Reproduce

I don’t know how to reproduce this bug, it’s the first time this has happened for me.

Expected behavior
Duration should be positive and match the actual duration between start and end time


Device Information (please complete the following information):

  • iPhone: 13 mini
  • OS: iOS 16.4
  • Version 1.3

Got some more info on this: it seems to only happen when a workout is paused for a significant amount of time.

Have also experienced this issue, it seems to occur when you manually pause a workout and forget to unpause it.

One possible half solution for this might be to send a notification to the user if the device is in motion (tracking steps or movement) for a significant amount of time after the user has paused reminding them that they still have a workout in progress?