Tests failing in CI workflow
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Hey @timgit ! Thank you for this piece of software. I am really enjoying it.
I was trying to set up the environment for local development (wanted to suggest updating some deps and retiring a delay
lib), but failed to run the tests successfully. The issues I got are reproduced on the CI: one yelling about too many clients and the other about a violation for pg_extension_name_index.
I see the only extension that is being created is pgcrypto
and I wonder if this error can be due to some race? After using try logic, the error has gone, but I hate this solution and I am not sure this is even a solution.
JFYI, for local development, I am setting things up this way:
docker run --name pgboss -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p -d postgres
# after the test run
docker stop pgboss && docker rm pgboss
# and then spin up a new container for another test run (just for sanity)
Maybe you've encountered these issues previously?
Thanks! I'm devoting all of my current efforts towards v10, so please try using that branch since it should be released in a few weeks.