
Jobs disappear

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๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi! We've had a large number (~1M) of jobs queued using pg-boss, but it seems most of the queue suddenly disappeared. For reference these items have been queued for many days, probably around ~7 days. So, I do not think this is related to the "job expiration" (which is apparently 15 minutes according to the docs). Can you think of something that would cause this behavior, and how can we queue our jobs and guarantee that they don't vanish regardless of age?

It sounds like the retention policy removed them.

Thank you, we'll try setting retentionDays: 365, and see if that helps. ๐Ÿ™‡
It seems the default is 30 according to the docs.

* Default: 30 days

Fixed after setting retentionDays to a higher amount than the default 30 days, thank you!