
[Feature Request] New Command: Select Table

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello @timhor !!!!!!

Before talking about my FR, I wanna say thank you for creating this amazing plugin. I use it a lot and everyday :)


My FR is simple to explain: would be amazing if we have a new command to select a markdown table.

It’s the same meaning of Select Word Applied to markdown tables: if the caret cursor is inside a table,it will select the whole table when the new command is pressed

Why Are you asking for this FR?

Let me explain: there is a new plugin in beta called Markdown Table Editor that lets you edit markdown tables inside Obsidian !

  • The starting point of the plugin is to have the table that will be edited selected before hitting the command.

That’s why I’m asking for this feature :)

Thanks for reading this!

Have a great day!!!!!!

Hey @FelipeRearden, thanks for the feedback, it means a lot!

Looking at your feature request, I wonder whether it makes more sense for this to be implemented by the Table Editor plugin instead. If it's always necessary to have the table selected before making edits, a nice improvement would be to automatically select the entire table when activating the plugin (or to support edits with the cursor anywhere inside a markdown table).

Hello @timhor !!!!

Hey @FelipeRearden, thanks for the feedback, it means a lot!


Looking at your feature request, I wonder whether it makes more sense for this to be implemented by the Table Editor plugin instead.

I 100% understood your comment :)

I thought about this before writing this FR for you ...

In my user limited mind, would less difficult for Obsidian Editor Shortcuts to add this additional feature (I'm assuming that the engine to select a table should be similar to the engine of Select Word and Select Line ) than for Markdown Editor Table to create a new engine for this feature.

If it's always necessary to have the table selected before making edits, a nice improvement would be to automatically select the entire table when activating the plugin (or to support edits with the cursor anywhere inside a markdown table).

That exactly what I thought :)

For this, my idea is to use QuickAdd Macro to stack these two commands into a single hotkey to get the same behavior.

Feel free to close this issue if you think it's is something that you feel that is not a good feature to this amazing plugin.

At least I'm happy to have the opportunity to connect with you for the first time and to share with you a new workflow :)

  • If we forget about the MTE plugin, would be a great command to transfer tables inside the note and/or between notes. For academic artcle notes that have a lot tables to manage :)

Thanks for reading this!!!!

Have a great day!!!!

would less difficult for Obsidian Editor Shortcuts to add this additional feature

Finding the start/end of a word is relatively simple since we only need to search for word boundaries on a single line, whereas finding the start/end of a table would require some additional logic to locate the first and last rows. That logic doesn't exist in this plugin at the moment, so the effort would be roughly similar IMO.

At least I'm happy to have the opportunity to connect with you for the first time and to share with you a new workflow :)

Likewise, I appreciate it!

Thanks for considering this in the future and for your technical explanation !!!!!!

I will follow your recommendation and create a new FR at MTE. I update you about it in the future.

Thanks again for you time and I wish you the best :)

Let's keep talking!

Closing as it has been implemented in ganesshkumar/obsidian-table-editor#8

Closing as it has been implemented in ganesshkumar/obsidian-table-editor#8

100% agree @timhor . Sorry for forget to close this FR in the past.