
Markdown syntax not captured in "Select word or next occurrence"

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello, thanks for developing this plugin first of all!
Version: v1.10.0

I tend to use the "Select word or next occurrence" feature often and found that there's a bug when attempting to select Markdown formatting artifacts in Live Preview & Source mode.

To reproduce:

### Test 1
### Test 2
### Test 3

Selecting just the ### and invoking "Select word or next occurrence" should select the next instance of ### into the selection, but it does nothing. I was also able to repro using lists as well, searching for - .

The bug might be in findNextMatchPosition @ https://github.com/timhor/obsidian-editor-shortcuts/blob/master/src/actions.ts#L210

May be related to #35

Interesting, I can reproduce the H3 example you provided in Live Preview, but not in Source mode.

Dec-27-2022 10-56-39

Lists also work as expected in both modes for me.

Dec-27-2022 10-47-54

I'll look into the Live Preview issue; in the meantime, could you please double check the Source mode and list scenarios in a new vault with only Code Editor Shortcuts enabled?

Hmm, I tested Source mode using a new vault with just a theme and only your plugin enabled. Source mode seems to work but live preview breaks as you saw before.

Here's an example of the function breaking in Live Preview:

And here's an example of the list bullets breaking in LP:

Ah I see, so it was list characters before checkboxes. Presumably anything else that gets automatically hidden by Live Preview would have this bug too.

Thanks, will investigate! 👍

It looks like this is a bug on Obsidian's end – I made a minimal reproducible example and submitted a bug report to them here.