Xbox Original port of VVVVVV
- This repo contains git submodules, meaning that it needs to clone certain other git repo's.
- To clone this repo succesfully, please use the --recursive flag:
git clone --recursive
- To clone this repo succesfully, please use the --recursive flag:
To make it easier for others to download and use this repo, you may add submodules like such:
git submodule add -b [branch] [repo_url] deps/[repo_name]
- The submodule add command for libSDL2x was
git submodule add -b master --name libSDL2x deps/libSDL2x
. The root of the git repo will be cloned into the path that you provided!
- The submodule add command for libSDL2x was
- When you already cloned this repo, and want download the submodules. You can use
git submodule update --init --recursive
to so do. (orgit submodule update --init --recursive -j 8
if you've got super fast internet)
- When you want to pull the changes for the root repo and for all the submodules, use:
git pull --recurse-submodules
- When you only want to pull the changes of the submodules:
git submodule update --remote
- Using submodules allows one to more easily patch the submodule whilest preserving the original:
- To get a .patch file after editing the sources of your submodule, commit the changes you made using
git commit -a -m "message"
- Then use
git format-patch -s -n -1 HEAD --stdout >> ..\..\..\patches\[REPO_NAME].patch
to append your changes to the patch file. Make sure that you actually use >>, otherwhise the file gets overwritten!
- Then use
- To apply a single patch, go to the root directory of the submodule and run
git apply ..\..\..\patches\[REPO_NAME].patch
- To apply all patches, execute
git submodule foreach 'echo Applying patch $toplevel/patches/$name.patch && dos2unix $toplevel/patches/$name.patch && git apply $toplevel/patches/$name.patch'
- To get a .patch file after editing the sources of your submodule, commit the changes you made using
- Optimize the rendering. Maybe convert SDL2 over to DirectX so it will be hardware accelerated.
- Completely redo Music and BinaryBlob to not require dependencies and use native Xbox libraries.
- Comment and Code cleanup (a LOT of audio related functions are commeted and need to be looked at)
- Maybe get the editor working. Right now its just Play Edition.
- Load the base game maps in a way that the Visual Studio 2003 compiler wants
- (Visual Studio 2003 compiler is limited to 63 conditional statements at a time)
- The script loader causes issues. Also needs same treatment as loading base game maps.
- Based on the Homebrew Switch Port which is a fork of the original
- Links: Original Source -🍴> Homebrew Switch Port
- Download the latest binaries from the releases section on the github.
- Your first launch WILL crash, go back to the game files and read the README.txt
- After reading the README, you will notice you have to extract your game files into your games directory
- Free game files can be downloaded here
- For levels, you will need to extract the levels folder into "D:\user\levels" or download them online
- User levels can be downloaded here or elsewhere
- For music, you will need to a find proper WAV format soundtrack or dump the original OGG one and convert it
- Only WAV will play for now as the native Xbox library does not support OGG
- Visual Studio .NET 2003 is required!
- The Visual Studio project paths are currently set to my directories and will need to be changed before compiling.
- libSDL2x (port by marty28 aka BDC)
- Included but needed to be built and linked to the project:
- Physfs (on its way to being deprecated from the project)
- Lodepng
- Tinyxml
Load the project and just build it. Simple!
(make sure you have paths and dependencies correct and at the ready)