
The `content` key is missing or empty.

guillermohs9 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi! After installing the package I run the command to generate the output css file but I get the following error:

(venv) [guillermo@arch guarde]$ tailwindcss -i input.css -o style.css --minify

warn - The `content` key is missing or empty. Please populate the content key as Tailwind generates utilities on-demand based on the files that use them. For more information see the documentation: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/content-configuration

Done in 233ms.

I'm guessing I must edit the content key in the tailwind.config.js file but I can't seem to find it inside my venv.
Sorry if it's a silly issue...

You need to init configuration at first, run tailwindcss init and it will create intitial tailwind.config.js file for you.

So it was a silly issue... You're absolutely right. The worst part is I've used the tailwind-cli standalone tool in the past, and I knew this was a required step. Thanks!