
What instance did you use?

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Thanks for the great work !

I tried to follow your tutorial from your blog post on colab, but each time I try it looks like the processed was killed and did not even reach the print("Starting dataset generation with DINO...").

What type of instance (type of TPU/GPU) did you use to apply the implementation ?



Hi @agombert, we've been running all of our experiment using two Nvidia Geforce 1080TI GPUs. Do you have any more information as to why the process was killed (some kind of error message or anything)? Does it work if you use a smaller model (e.g., ‑‑model_name gpt2-medium), a smaller batch size (--batch_size <X>) or less entries per input and label (‑‑num_entries_per_input_and_label <X>)?

Hey @timoschick

Thanks for the quick answer. I think it was a problem of RAM. As Colab by default has only 12.6Go. I used a few GPUs from lambdalabs and it worked fine !

A few questions more on the blog post's experiment:

  • How much time did it take to produce all the reviews?
  • Did you use all the reviews, or did you filter out a bit?

Have a good day !


Hi @agombert, I don't have exact numbers but if I remember correctly, it was about one or two days. We didn't do any filtering except for removing outputs with less than 16 tokens (that's the ‑‑min_num_tokens 16 flag in the blog post). You can also take a look at the full training dataset that we've used here.

Hey thanks for the answers, I'll dive more in your code in the next months I think. But everything is clear to me now :D