
TypeScript support?

KevinNovak opened this issue · 5 comments

When using TypeScript, the editor is unable to find the type declarations file (I'm guessing since it is included in discord.js but not in discord.js-light?):

Missing TypeScript

Is there a way to include or redirect typescript definitions to make discord.js-light usable with typescript?

i'll look into it

i've added some basic typings in 8763310, feel free to test them out. (i hope they work, im not a ts dev)
I'll try to add the rest of the missing typings soon.

Thanks for getting to this so quickly. However when I do a build, the typescript compiler gives back the following error:

Exports and export assignments are not permitted in module augmentations.


#12 should fix this issue.

However this requires typescript projects to use both imports from discord.js and discord.js-light:


Which is not necessarily a bad thing, but something to be aware of, discord.js will still need to be installed in order to get the discord.js types that you haven't extended. I'm not sure if there's a way around that (like re-exporting all types somehow)

added the rest of the typings and released in 3.2.7
closing this for now, let me know if anything goes wrong 👍

Thank you, will do!!