
Version bump please? πŸ™πŸΌ

Opened this issue Β· 3 comments

I noticed in the source it has useful improvements like the markdown table including the PR status. Looks like that might be part of a 0.1.7 release, right now crates just has 0.1.6.

Would it be possible to bump the version?

For what it’s worth you can run

cargo install --force --path gh-stack

where gh-stack is the locally cloned repository.

This should install version 0.1.7.

But yea, it'd be ideal if cargo install gh-stack just had the latest release.

Today I learned! Thanks for sharing, I'm still quite new to rust. πŸ˜„

Although it turns out v0.1.7 doesn't work yet, so that's probably why the author hasn't published it yet.

If this were in JS I'd be hacking away on it in an instant, but I still need to go through baby steps of rust before working on something like this.

Here's to hoping more improvements are forthcoming, I really love this project!