
Flattr Buttons for Contributors of featured episode on overview-page?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Tim,
since I use this template on the start page of einschlafen-podcast.de (two weeks), the contributors of my episodes do not get flattred anymore, which is sad. I guess that is because they do not get any flattr buttons on the start page, but only on the episode page.

Hence the question: how can I generate flattr buttons per contributor of the featured episode on the overview-page?


BTW, I tried this below episode-summary, see on http://www.pubkameraden.de/podcast-episoden/ how it renders generic user Flattr buttons:

{# Contributors #}

            {% if episode.contributors() %}
                <div class="episode-contributors">
                        {% for contributor in episode.contributors() %}
                        <col width="{{ avatar_size }}px" />
                        {% endfor %}
                    {% for contributor in episode.contributors() %}
                        <td style="vertical-align: top; width: {{ avatar_size }}px">
                        <img src="{{ contributor.avatar.url }}" title="{{ contributor.name }}" height="{{ avatar_size }}" width="{{ avatar_size }}"/ /><br/>
                        {% if contributor.flattr %}
                            <br/><a target="_blank"
                            title="Flattr {{ contributor.name }}"
                            rel="flattr;uid:{{ contributor.flattr }};button:compact;popout:0"
                            href="{{ contributor.flattr_url }}">
                            Flattr {{ contributor.name }}
                        {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
                {% endif %}