
Follower count not right

timqian opened this issue · 6 comments

E.g. For this blog, the follower count is > 200, but in readme, it is -1

-1 | 胡涂说 | https://hutusi.com/

I can help with that!

yzqzss commented

是 feeds.pub 问题哈哈。 @timqian

https://api.feeds.pub/graphql 请求

        f196: feed(id: "https://lyric.im/feed/rss.xml") {

这个 feed 的数据时,会因为源站超时导致 API 返回空响应的 HTTP 502,然后

const pageSize = 60;

与它同一批 pageSize 里的博客就全变成默认的 -1 了。

.map(row => row.push(-1) && row) // row[4] to store count of RSS subscribers

yzqzss commented

e79de2a 把 lyric 的有问题的旧 feed 链接换了。

@yzqzss 赞!

hutusi commented
