
Duplicate namespace for Queries and Mutations is unusable - Append Query/Mutation to schema names

dash-tobin opened this issue · 0 comments

In graphql you are able to create a query and a mutation with the same namespace. When gqlg code is run, these two will names will clash upon export.

Would it be possible to append the query & file names with Query, and the mutation & file names with Mutation

type Query {
  thingById(id: ID!): Thing!
type Mutation {
 thingById(input: Thing!): Thing!

Current Result:

// in queries/thingById.gql
query thingById($id: ID!){
    thingById(id: $id){
// in mutations/thingById.gql
mutation thingById($input: Thing!){
    thingById(input: $input){

Expected Result:

// in queries/thingByIdQuery.gql
query thingByIdQuery($id: ID!){
    thingById(id: $id){
// in mutations/thingByIdMutation.gql
mutation thingByIdMutation($input: Thing!){
    thingById(input: $input){