
implement conversion:inverse_of

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e.g. https://github.com/ewpatton/SemanticDiet/tree/develop/data/source/usgs-gov/nutrient-database/version

  • NUT_DATA.csv has row: 01001, 204, 81.11
  • The 01001 is a foreign key into NUTR_DEF.csv, which describes different nutritions (e.g. "saturated fat", "protein").
  • The 204 is a foreign key into FOOD_DES.csv, which describes different foods (e.g. "Big Mac", "1 slice Toast").
  • The 81.11 is the amount of "nutrition" 204 (e.g. "saturated fat") that "food" 01001 (e.g. "Big Mac") contains.

Be deliberate about the order that we convert the tables, so that the one with foreign keys is converted after those that it references.

cr-create-conversion-trigger.sh -w manual/NUTR_DEF.txt.csv manual/FOOD_DES.txt.csv manual/NUT_DATA.txt.csv

enhance NUTR_DEF's row e.g. 204, g, FAT, Total lipid (fat) to:

   a nutrient-database_vocab:Nutrition ;
   dcterms:title "Total lipid (fat)" ;
  <http://localhost/vocab/nndsr> "204" ;
   dcterms:identifier "204" ;

enhance FOOD_DES's row e.g. 01002, 0100, Butter, whipped, with salt to:

   a nutrient-database_vocab:Food ;
   <http://localhost/vocab/fda_food_id> "01002" ;
   dcterms:identifier "01002" ;
   dcterms:title "Butter, whipped, with salt" ;

enhance NUT_FOOD's row e.g. 01003, 312, 81.11 to say "100 grams of Butter oil anhydrous has .001 grams of Copper:

   a nutrient-database_vocab:NutritionalMeasure ;
      <http://localhost/source/usgs-gov/dataset/nutrient-database/nut-data.txt/value-of/food/01003> , 
      <http://localhost/food/Butter_oil_anhydrous> ;
       <http://localhost/source/usgs-gov/dataset/nutrient-database/nut-data.txt/value-of/nutrition/312> , 
       <http://localhost/nutrient/Copper_Cu> ;
   e1:amountin100g "0.001"^^xsd:decimal ;

but, for <http://localhost/food/Butter_oil_anhydrous>, we want to point to the nutrition measure, so we add an inverse:

      conversion:enhance [
         ov:csvCol          1;
         ov:csvHeader       "01001";
         conversion:label   "Food";
         conversion:comment "";
         conversion:links_via <../automatic/FOOD_DES.txt.csv.e1.ttl>; # Depends on FOOD_DES being converted earlier.
         a conversion:DirectSameAsEnhancement;
         conversion:inverse_of foaf:knows;   # Add the inverse (with a real property)
         conversion:range   rdfs:Resource;

to get:

   a nutrient-database_vocab:NutritionalMeasure ;
      <http://localhost/source/usgs-gov/dataset/nutrient-database/nut-data.txt/value-of/food/01003> , 
      <http://localhost/food/Butter_oil_anhydrous> ;
      <http://localhost/source/usgs-gov/dataset/nutrient-database/nut-data.txt/value-of/nutrition/312> , 
     <http://localhost/nutrient/Copper_Cu> ;
   e1:amountin100g "0.001"^^xsd:decimal ;


<http://localhost/food/Butter_oil_anhydrous> foaf:knows :nutritionalMeasure_222 . 
                                             # ^^  The food is now also pointing at the NutritionalMeasure.



      <http://localhost/source/usgs-gov/dataset/nutrient-database/nut-data.txt/typed/nutrient/203> , 
      <http://localhost/nutrient/Protein> ;
   nutrition:amountIn100g "0.85" ;

Addressed with e68f074