
conversion:name_template seems to be prepending [/sdv] to the URIs of ImplicitBundles

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   a conversion:ImplicitBundle;
   conversion:name_template "foo:[r]";```

results in the uri http://lod.melagrid.org//source/melagrid-org/dataset/psi-mi-confidence/version/2013-Sep-02/foo:3 .

I was attempting to make blank node URIs for owl restrictions like this:

   a conversion:ImplicitBundle;
   conversion:property_name owl:equivalentClass;
   conversion:name_template "_:[r]";
   conversion:type_name     owl:Restriction;   # Can also be a URI, e.g. foaf:Person.

But it resulted in the URI http://lod.melagrid.org//source/melagrid-org/dataset/psi-mi-confidence/version/2013-Sep-02/:2 which also is less than ideal. It should result in a bnode id of _:2 at row 2.