

The goal of the exercise is to create a checkout system that fulfils the criteria listed below :

  • Items can be added to a basket
  • Items can be removed from a basket
  • Promotions can be applied to a basket
  • Promotions can be removed from a basket
  • Basket can be checked out - a total price is calculated
  • Customer’s Email, Address and Credit card details are required to check out
  • Customers will have an Order after checking out which contains all the basket items

Items : Name | Price (£) Smart Hub | 49.99 Motion Sensor | 24.99 Wireless Camera | 99.99 Smoke Sensor | 19.99 Water Leak Sensor | 14.99

Promotions : Codes :

  • 20%OFF - 20% off final cost cannot be used in conjunction with other codes
  • 5%OFF - 5% off final cost can be used in conjunction with other codes
  • 20POUNDSOFF - £20 off final cost can be used in conjunction with other codes

Quantity :

  • 3 Motion sensors for £65.00
  • 2 Smoke Sensors for £35.00

Deliverables :

  • Create a database that can support the criteria
  • Create pages to accommodate functionality
  • Validation of intended functionality
  • Brief written summary of approach, assumptions, caveats and notes
  • Instructions on how to run the project
  • Submission should be a GitHub repository

Notes : No attention will be paid to the look and feel of this task. Pages can be plain HTML.


Given the time constraints I opted to return to code I had previously written as it contained similar functionality for the required user stories in this challenge, and gave me a nice UI to work with. This was an SPA in AngularJS (1.x). However, I needed to make numerous changes for this challenge. Firstly, I needed to tweak the logic that handled the vouchers, and I additionally implemented the option to remove vouchers from the basket. The larger issue for me in this task was to implement a database, as one was not used when I built the original app. I really felt that creating this entirely in Rails was overkill for what was required, as it would probably require the creating of additional database tables/entries. In-keeping with a flexible, decoupled infrastructure I opted to use Rails to serve up my Product data via a simple JSON API.


  • AngularJS
  • Rails API
  • Styled with Bootstrap


You will need the following installed locally:


  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • Bower
  • Express


  • Ruby
  • Rails

Site Setup


  • Execute the following in the command line:
  • Git clone
  • cd smart-checkout
  • bower install and npm install
  • npm start

Navigate to localhost:4567 in your browser.


  • Git clone
  • cd rails-api/my_api
  • rails db:setup // this should seed the database with the listed products
  • rails server


Due to Chrome CORS issues you may need to use this Chrome extension - Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Issues & Future Features

  • Fix CORS issues // skipped due to time limit
  • Implement missing user stories - full checkout feature and order generation, missing promotions (quantity promos)
  • Ensure correct logic on all basket operations (slight issue with removal of voucher when more than one have been added)
  • Add images to items
  • Consider storage of item images and generated orders
  • User login functionality
  • Tests! :) // sacrificed due to time limit