
[BUG] Linux tray icon disappears after Lock Unlock

sidevesh opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
The tray icon shows up normally after the app is started,
but then after that if I Lock and Unlock the system then the tray icon disappears,
the app is still running in background and I can see it in the System Monitor,
launching the app again at this point does not bring back the tray icon either since the app is already running,
but killing the app and opening it again brings the tray icon back.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
-- Open the app, see the tray icon is there
-- Lock and Unlock the system
-- See tray icon is now not appearing

Expected behavior
-- Tray icon should remain after Lock Unlock

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Application version: CI build from latest master

@ThePBone Avalonia uses KDE StatusNotifierItem,
I found a similar issue in another app using the same thing and this was their solution zulip/zulip-desktop#922,
does this seem relevant and can something like this be implemented here ?