libclang path seems wrong
halfcrazy opened this issue · 3 comments
my operation system is kubuntu. first i use the config and everything is ok. But when i use the command
sudo apt-get install clang
then my vim gives an advice.
Loading libclang failed, completion won't be available
Consider setting g:clang_library_path
as a result autocomplete plugin doesn't work any more.
what should i do, i am a newbee.
many thanks
I haven't written any C/C++ in a while, and the last time I tried to fix clang_complete myself I wasn't able to get it working. I'll see if I can take a look at it later this weekend.
many thanks :D
@halfcrazy I'm really sorry, but I totally forgot about this issue as I haven't been that active on Github for a very long time now. How clang_complete is supposed to work depends on your distro/system, so what works for me might not work for you and virsa versa.
If you're still interested in trying to resolve your issue (given that you haven't yet), you may be interested in reading this post which describes what is expected.
Tried to get you specifics, but I'm also having problems getting it to work. Even though I've pointed it to the correct library I still get the error:
Are you sure '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' contains libclang?
For this very reason I might consider removing this plugin altogether from vimconf. We'll have to see. If you need more assistance I suggest you try the clang_complete repo specifically.