
Chrome Canary 32.0.1658.0 - model properties appear with quotes

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In the latest version of Chrome (Version 32.0.1658.0 canary Aura), the Knockout Context list is displaying the view model items incorrectly. They display like: " FirstName": "name" " LastName": "last" etc. The property name is surrounded with quote marks, and it leads with a quote and a space. Properties within a class do not have the quote marks around them.


Reason there is a space before the property name: https://github.com/timstuyckens/chromeextensions-knockoutjs/blob/master/pages/js/devtools.js#L97
It sort's automatically, so I placed a space for the properties that are binded to the selected element.

The canary behaviour is not consequent, when I prepend a . (point) then it didn't have the quotes, but $ comes before .
Prepending a ! before the properties puts them first, but it isn't pretty:

I hope this inconsequent behaviour will be fixed in some future version of Chrome (Canary).

It's in stable for a while, not much I can do I'm afraid